Health Hacks


Breakfast Burritos Are The Bomb

  • 3-4 egg whites

  • 1cup of baby spinach

  • ½ Jalapeño pepper

  • Handful of cilantro

  • 1/4 cup capsicum (red or green)

  • 2-3cherry tomato

  • Pinch of powered turmeric and cumin

Place all ingredient into a pan and sauté. Heat a tortilla (there are gluten free options you can use or if you don’t want to have any tortilla at all you can substitute the egg in the mix add minced (ground) turkey or beef and make an egg white omelette for the wrap!!

Breakfast burritos can be made in advance and frozen for the extra convenience if you are living on the go!

Breakfast Smoothie On The Go!

  • 1scoop Chocolate protein powder (I prefer Vivo)

  • 1 tablespoon Almond butter or

  • 1 Tbsp. of Flax or Fish oil

  • 1tablespoon Coconut

  • ½ Cup of Oatmeal/Rolled Oats (if you want carbs)

  • Filtered water or if you drink coffee use coffee!

  • Ice

Place in blender, blend until smooth and enjoy this is seriously like a desert.

Smoothies are great as they the perfect on the go breakfast, so many people lack time in the mornings, this smoothie has it all…protein, carbs and a good healthy fat!



Warm lemon water with a pinch of Himalayan salt

  • Squeeze one lemon Pinch Himalayan pink salt

  • ½ Litre boiling water

  • ½ Litre of cold/room temp filtered water

Combine all together and drink first thing in the morning to kick start, alkalise your body and to hydrate!! It is also great for your metabolism.