True Direction


Everyone has a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. Our conscious mind oversees actions that require new learning and in turn creates neural pathways for our unconscious mind.

A bit like when you’re driving a car for the first time. The conscious mind is alert and wide awake for the new experience. Once you have been driving for several years and experienced may different types of road types, situations and conditions, our brain can start to do these things without conscious thought.

However, some of these pathways that are created cause us to do, feel or act in ways we wish we did not. In our society. We call these called habits and addictions. The good news is this, if you can make bad habits – you can break them. Through these techniques in the hands of an experienced practitioner, these tools can rewire the habits quickly.

Unlike traditional habit breaking where you have to retrain your brain over a long period of time, hypnotherapy, NLP and Time Line Therapy allow us to access the unconscious mind and change the habits and strategies which give instant results. For many things like;

  • Creating Your Future®

  • Goal Setting

  • Decision making

  • Greater self-discipline

  • Minor behavioural patterns like nail biting etc

  • Improving spelling and learning difficulties

  • Personal power

  • Effective communication techniques used by world leaders

  • Clearing minor states like procrastination, frustration etc

  • Self-discovery

  • Phobias

  • Sleep disorder

  • Anxiety

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Grief and loss of loved ones

  • Smoking cessation

  • Weight loss & food cravings & creating healthy eating habits

  • High Performance Thinking

  • Focus & Motivation Strategies

  • Decision making strategies

  • Delivering high performance mind set

  • Limiting beliefs



Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy used to create change in a patient while in a state of sleep, or unconsciousness, known as hypnosis. The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word “hypnos” which simply means, “sleep.” The therapy itself uses guided relaxation techniques from a trained hypnotist that invoke feelings of intense relaxation, concentration, and/or focus to achieve a heightened state of awareness or trance-like state.


In a simple way we can say that NLP is a collection of practical techniques, skills and strategies that used in conjunction with an accredited practitioner and coach can lead to real excellence. It is also an art and a science for success based on proven techniques that show you how your mind thinks and how your behaviour can be positively modified and improved. It is also the study of excellence and how to replicate it.




Time Line Therapy is a fast technique that can change the chain of events leading to a certain set of unwanted behaviours or emotions. This technique allows the participant to let go of negative emotions and Limiting Decisions so that the client can then start to focus forward, creating an empowering state to create your future.